the Church.


Around the world, there are 2.2 million evangelical churches. 85% are led by pastors with no formal theological training.

Learn About The 85%


Theological famine.

Throughout the world, there are millions of pastors doing the difficult work of leading the church with little to no theological training. TLI wants to help.


Give. Help strengthen the Church.

We rely on the support of faithful partners to help us bring training to places around the world that need it most.

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I have witnessed first hand the transformative potential of TLI. A crucial and indispensable component of missions is theological education. It is not a luxury; it is a fundamental and foundational necessity. It is of the very fabric of evangelism, discipleship and leadership development in Christ’s Church. Through TLI, seminary students are provided with an excellent avenue to teach in carefully selected settings around the world. It is obvious that we share a similar drive to be both biblically accurate and relevant to cultural context. As we equip students to go into difficult places, and to face courageously the challenges that confront us there, it is a joy to work with a ministry like TLI.

Rob Blackaby / Canadian Southern Baptist Seminary

I have witnessed first hand the transformative potential of TLI. A crucial and indispensable component of missions is theological education. It is not a luxury; it is a fundamental and foundational necessity. It is of the very fabric of evangelism, discipleship and leadership development in Christ’s Church. Through TLI, seminary students are provided with an excellent avenue to teach in carefully selected settings around the world. It is obvious that we share a similar drive to be both biblically accurate and relevant to cultural context. As we equip students to go into difficult places, and to face courageously the challenges that confront us there, it is a joy to work with a ministry like TLI.

Rob Blackaby / Canadian Southern Baptist Seminary

I love the goal of international, Christ-exalting, theological famine relief. And I love the way God has raised up Training Leaders Int’l to meet that need with real-live, Spirit-filled, human teachers, on the ground, face-to-face with pastors and Christian leaders who have little or no opportunity for in-depth theological training. May the Word of the Lord run and be glorified!

John Piper / Desiring God

The vision of Training Leaders International brings biblical and theological content to the people best positioned to pass it on to others. Most forms of short-term mission are fraught with troubling downsides, but this pattern of transferring serious theological nourishment is enriching both parties to the glory of God.

D.A. Carson / Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

As a staff, we are committed not only to training pastors around the world, but discipling young leaders and pastors in the US who have a desire to serve cross-culturally, but have very little experience. Our goal is to equip people to be able to use their gifts cross-culturally in an effective manner. We are constantly focusing our attention outward in order to raise up new people to train and equip underserved pastors.

Darren Carlson / Training Leaders International


Go. Share your training.

Do you have theological training that you could share with the global church? Join us in our mission to bring theological education to pastors and leaders around the world.

Our pulpits are sold out to the false teachers, and to the guy who is performing signs and wonders every Sunday. The churches just give their pulpits — if he performs the miracles, they just invite him in.

Ethiopian Pastor
Hear The Need / 1:47
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