Global Partner Application

Thank you for your interest in serving with Training Leaders International.  This is the first of a two-stage application for missionaries. TLI can only hire US or Canadian citizens, or those authorized to work in those countries. If you are a citizen of a European nation, please reach out to Joost Nixon at joost.nixon@trainingleadersinternational.

You can save this form online as a draft and log back in at a later time to complete it before final submission. You can also print or save this form as a PDF file for offline reference, and then return later to complete the online version.


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* : required

Personal Information

Full Legal Name

Preferred Name:
Date of Birth:*
Preferred phone number:
Email Address:*Confirm Email Address:*
Address Line 1:*Address Line 2:
City:*State:*Zip Code:*
What position are you applying for?
Marital Status:*
Please describe any education or professional training you have which is not listed on the resume or CV you shared with us.:*

Church Information

Name of present church membership or attendance:*Specific denominational affiliation of church:*
Name of pastor:*Phone number of pastor:City and state of your church:
Church website:*
Your relationship to this church:*
If you are a non-member, please explain why.:
Attending since (mm/yyyy):*
If you have been attending for less than a year, which church did you attend prior?
Are you licensed or ordained? If so, please inform us of when and by whom.:

Conversion, Doctrine and Call to Ministry

Please describe your conversion.:*
To what kind of ministry do you believe God is calling you?*
What length of service are you considering?*
Describe your past and current ministry experiences (both volunteer and, if applicable, paid).:*
Why are you interested in applying to serve with Training Leaders International?*
Is your church supportive of your desire to be a missionary?*
Have you ever made application or are currently applying to serve with another mission organization? If yes, please explain.:*
What is your perspective on support raising?*
Are you in debt? If so, is it significant enough amount for concern at this time?*
Are there any doctrines of historical orthodox Christianity that you have reservations about?*
Have you carefully read The Gospel Coalition Confessional Statement?
Are you in wholeheartedly agreement with this statement? Please list any areas where you take exception.:



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