Application for Bible Study Leader

Who should complete this application?
We encourage you to complete this application if you have been personally invited by a TLI staff member or national partner. This form is a significantly shorter version of our Short-Term application since the person inviting you is serving as a reference for your character, knowledge, and ability to teach. 

* You may save this form online as a draft and log back in at a later time to complete it before final submission. You can also print or save this form as a PDF file for offline reference, and then return later to complete the online version.

Click Here to view the Gospel Coalition Confessional Statement. This is the confessional statement adopted by TLI. 

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* : required

Personal Information

Full Legal Name

Preferred Name:
Date of Birth:*Place of Birth (city, state):*Country of Citizenship:*
Home Phone:Mobile Phone:*
Email Address:*Confirm Email Address:*
Address line 1:*Address line 2:
City:*State:*Zip Code:*
Permanent Address (if different - street, city, state, zip):

Emergency Contact

Cell Phone Number:*Other Phone number:*

Church Information

Name of present church membership or attendance:*Specific denominational affiliation of church:*
Name of pastor:*Email address of pastor:
Church address line 1:Church address line 2:
City:State:Zip Code:
Your relationship to this church:*
Please indicate if you are licensed or ordained:

Marriage and Fidelity

Marital Status:*
Years Married:*Yrs

TLI takes seriously our responsibility to send high character instructors who will be teaching, in part, by their example. We understand that these questions are deeply personal in nature and we do not take this lightly. For the sake of the global church we ask for your honest answers to these questions.

Are you currently or in the past have you engaged in sexual activity outside the covenant bond of marriage?*
Please briefly and tactfully describe the circumstances and what steps you have taken toward repentance and fighting against this sin.:*
In the last six months have you intentionally viewed sexually oriented content?*
Please briefly and tactfully describe the circumstances and what steps you have taken toward repentance and fighting against this sin.:
Have you ever been divorced?*
Have you ever been convicted of any crime?*
Please briefly describe the crime:*

Theological Convictions

Please confirm that you have read the Gospel Coalition Confessional Statement (see link at the top of this application)?*
Briefly describe Reformed Theology:
Training Leaders International takes doctrine seriously. Teachers who are sent by us are training pastors and church leaders in doctrinal matters. It is therefore important for TLI and our national partners to know if you wholeheartedly embrace the Gospel Coalition Confessional Statement (See link at the top of this application online).:*
If you don't fully agree, which aspects of the statement are you concerned about?
This does not necessarily disqualify you from teaching with us. Please be honest so we can have an opportunity to talk through it.:*

If you don't fully agree, which aspects of the statement are you concerned about?
This does not necessarily disqualify you from teaching with us. Please be honest so we can have an opportunity to talk through it.:*

Medical Information

Your current medical information will remain confidential, and only be used by the team leader in a health-related emergency.

We trust that there is no reason for you or your doctor to be concerned about you going on this journey.

Please describe your conditions in the following areas. Also provide descriptions for your spouse if this is a joint application.

Please describe any physical disability:*
List current prescription medications:*
List any other medical conditions, allergies food or otherwise:*

Questions Regarding Placement

Do you speak any languages other than English?
Please list the language(s) you speak and describe your level of proficiency.:
Approximately how many adult Bible studies have you led?
Please list the title(s) and/or author(s) of some of you favorites Bible studies that you have led.:
Please briefly describe all trips you have taken outside your country of origin.:

TLI Team Member Covenant

As a member of a Training Leaders International team, I
agree to:

1. Complete assigned tasks in a timely manner.

2. Be on time and at all team meetings via video chat.

3. Adopt an attitude that I am on this team to try to understand the host culture, not to convince them of my personal viewpoint or style. I agree that there are many different ways to accomplish the same objective, and know that my way is not necessarily the best.

4. Abstain from making derogatory comments or engaging in arguments regarding people, politics, sports, religion, race, or traditions. I realize that sarcasm isn't helpful cross-culturally and can be offensive to others on the team or on the field.

5. Accept and submit to the authority of the trip leader and his mentoring of me. I promise to abide by his decisions and leadership of my team.

6. Refrain from giving my contact information out, and, gifts, such as food, money, clothes, jewelry, electronics, etc. If I feel compelled to give a gift to someone I have met, I will consult first with the team leader before I promise or give the gift, and I promise to let him make the final decision on this matter.

7. Act as a servant-disciple of the local ministry. I will respect the advice I am given concerning attire, eating, and drinking, and other such traditions that will help me to assimilate into the local community.

8. In the event my conduct is considered so unsatisfactory that it jeopardizes the success of the trip and that mediation during the trip has failed to correct my behavior, that my services in connection with this mission shall end and I shall return home immediately at my own expense.

9. Be responsible to pay the total financial sum TLI has assigned to me and, if applicable, my spouse, for this trip (whether by fundraising or self-funding). If the plane tickets have been purchased, I am responsible to pay TLI the full sum for them even if for some reason I am unable to go on the trip: I am still responsible to pay TLI.

10. I understand that if I opt to stay on location or in the country past the duration of the TLI trip, TLI is not responsible for helping me and I am on my own.

11. If I am a seminary student or pastoral intern, I agree to have a pastor or elder keep me accountable and involve my local church in my preparation.

I recognize and accept these conditions in order to further the purpose and safety of the mission trip for which I am applying.

Please sign your name below to indicate you have read, understand, and agree to the above.


Legal Release

I am asking to be permitted to participate in the international project of Training Leaders International and activities incidental or related thereto (the “Activity”). In consideration for and as a condition required to participation in the Activity, I, for myself and on behalf of my personal representatives, executors, heirs, and next of kin agree to the following:

1. I understand that I will be solely responsible for the actions, conduct, and safety of myself during the Activity, including following all rules, regulations, and instructions.

2. I acknowledge that Releasees make no representation, warranty, or guarantee about the safety of the Activity or the safety of my participation in the Activity, including, but not limited to, the safety of any facility, transportation, restaurant, food, accommodation, event, or any person related to the Activity.

3. Waiver, Release, and Covenant Not to Sue: I hereby release, discharge, covenant not to sue, indemnify, hold harmless, and absolve Training Leaders International, and any of its respective shareholders, officers, directors, employees, members, volunteers, independent contractors, agents, representatives, attorneys, successors, affiliates, subsidiaries, franchisees and assigns (collectively referenced hereinafter as the “Releasees”), from and against any and all claims, injuries, damages, actions, rights, causes of action, demands, expenses, costs or liability of any other kind whatsoever by or on behalf of myself which I have or may have, including those arising from the partial or sole negligence of Releasees, arising from or in any manner related to my participation in the Activity, to the fullest extent permitted by law. This Waiver, Release, and Covenant Not to Sue includes, but is not limited to, any claim that may arise or in any manner be related to Releasees’ partial or sole negligence, including negligence in performing or failing to perform any duty or responsibility Releasees have or may have in connection with the Activity.

4. Assumption of Risk: I hereby expressly, knowingly, and voluntarily assume the risk of any injury, illness, or any other harm, including those arising from the partial or sole negligence of Releasees, arising from or in any manner relating to my participation in the Activity.

5. I understand that the Activity may involve travel overseas to countries where medical relief is unavailable or more limited and where the risk of injury or disease is greater than in the United States. TLI urges each of its participants to consult with their doctors, health insurance providers and other medical sources, including the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, regarding their individual fitness for participation in the Activity, the risks associated with travel to a foreign country, their health insurance coverage when traveling overseas, and recommended or required vaccinations. You agree that TLI has no responsibility for providing you medical coverage or care, informing you of the risks associated with overseas travel, or informing or ensuring that you obtain the recommended or required vaccinations. While TLI may provide some information to you regarding these items, this is solely your responsibility, and you agree that the foregoing Waiver, Release and Covenant and Assumption of Risk specifically includes any injury arising from (1) TLI’s actions associated with informing or not informing you of the risks associated with overseas travel, (2) lack of health insurance coverage, (3) lack of medical relief, or (4) failure to obtain recommended or required vaccinations.

I agree that a facsimile or photocopy or digital version of this form is valid just like the original form. I HAVE READ THIS AGREEMENT CAREFULLY, AND I SIGN IT OF MY OWN FREE WILL.

What does all that mean? Basically that TLI isn't liable for any misfortunes that happen to you. We do our due diligence and we ask you to do yours.




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