Global Partner Application [OLD]
Thank you for your interest in being sent by Training Leaders International. We are eager to see whom the Lord calls to help provide theological education to the nations.
This is a preliminary application for mid-term and long-term missionaries. Filling out this application is the first step in the process of being appointed to serve with TLI. To apply, you must be a US citizen or be authorized to work for a US employer. If you have any questions, you can contact us by phone or email. May God give you wisdom to discern His vocational calling on your life!
You can save this form online as a draft and log back in at a later time to complete it before final submission. You can also print or save this form as a PDF file for offline reference, and then return later to complete the online version.
Note: Existing laws in the United States do not permit TLI to hire non-US citizens!