Inquiry Form

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* : required

Contact Information

Surname:*First Name:*
Email Address (*Phone Number (please include your country code):*

Personal Information

Describe your present church involvement and role in ministry.:*
Describe any previous ministry role and experience.:*
Please share your testimony. Tell us how you came to be a Christian.:*
Please list your past and present education and training.:*
Describe your family.:*

Ministry Vision & Goals

In which country and city do you desire to provide training?*
What type of ministry training do you desire to provide in partnership with TLI?*
From which area will the majority of the trainees come?*
What is your local language? Can the training be done in English or does it need to be done through interpreters?*
How many trainees do you estimate would attend the TLI training?*
Will the trainees be able to commit to multiple training meetings over the course of three years?*
What type of ministry role in the church do the majority of the trainees have?*
How would partnering with TLI help achieve your ministry goals?*

General Philosophy of Ministry Questions

What do you believe is the role of the pastor?*
What is the role of the Scriptures in the church?*
What is the purpose of preaching?*

Thank you for your interest in partnering with Training Leaders International. You should receive a response from a staff member within two weeks.

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