Level 2 Global Partner Application Form

Thank you for your interest in being sent by Training Leaders International. We are eager to see whom the Lord calls to help provide theological education to the nations.

This is a level two application for mid-term and long-term missionaries. Filling out this application is the part of the process of being appointed to serve with TLI. If you have any questions, you can contact Bruce Brandenburg by phone or email. May God give you wisdom to discern His vocational calling on your life!

You can save this form online as a draft and log back in at a later time to complete it before final submission. You can also print or save this form as a PDF file for offline reference, and then return later to complete the online version.


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* : required


1. To help us get acquainted and be able to serve you better, please answer the following questions carefully. All your answers will be kept in the strictest confidence.

2. Remember: You can always save this form online as a draft and log back in later to complete it before final submission.

You and Your Family

What is your full legal name?*
What is your preferred name?*
If married, what is your spouse's name. If unmarried respond "N/a":*
Have you ever been divorced or legally separated?*
Please list your children by name and age:
Are any of your children from a previous relationship?*

Your Faith

Relationship with Christ

Tell us about your relationship with Christ:*
What are your spiritual practices that sustain and enhance your relationship with Christ?*
Explain how you have grown in your spiritual gifts:*

Your Family Life

How do you and your spouse resolve conflict in your marriage?*
Have you ever been accused of adultery or unfaithfulness?*
If the answer to the previous question is 'yes', how was this resolved?
Describe how have you been caring for your family's spiritual needs.:*
Describe how you would care for the spiritual well-being of your family in an overseas context.:*
Describe how you have dealt with stressful situations in your home.:*

Your Church Life

Relationships within the body of Christ

Are you a regular church attender and involved in your local church?*
What is the name of the church where you are currently a member?*
What is the location of the church where you are currently a member?*
Who is the lead pastor of the church where you are currently a member?*
How long have you been a part of this church?*
Explain how you have been serving in your church over the last 10 years.:*
Describe your relationship with your local church's pastor(s).:*
How has your church been involved in your pursuit of cross-cultural ministry?*
Describe how have you resolved interpersonal conflicts with fellow believers.:*

Background Information

Your Personal History

Have you ever been treated for any medical issues, including mental illness? If yes, please describe.:*
Do you struggle with any kind of substance abuse? If yes, please describe.:*
Do you struggle with same sex attraction? If yes, please describe.:*
Do you struggle with pornography? If yes, describe.:*
Have you ever been accused or convicted of sexual harassment or a crime? If yes, please describe.:*
Is there anything else from your past that might be important for us to know? If yes, please describe.:*

Your Employment

Your Work History

Please list all of your places of employment over the last 10 years.:*
Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with your current employment or ministry? If you are dissatisfied, why?*

Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Assessing your Gifting

List what you believe are your strengths or God-given skills.:*
In what area(s) are you presently seeking to grow in Christlikeness?*
List your present hobbies and personal interests.:*
What are your personal habits for maintaining your physical health?*

Serving Cross-Culturally

Your Cultural Adaptability

Explain how you believe that the Lord has called you into full-time cross-cultural ministry?*
Why are you specifically interested in serving cross-culturally with TLI's Global Partners?*
How do your children feel about moving to a different culture?*
How much value do you place on your present national identity?*
What do you think is required to adapt to the culture of another country?*
What does it mean to be culturally relevant when ministering cross-culturally?*
How committed are you to learning and speaking the language of your host country proficiently?*
Are you willing to give up your present socio-economic status for the sake of the gospel?*
While living abroad, would there be any "non-negotiables" with respect to your children's education?*
What things will you do to rest and seek refreshment if serving in another country?*

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