US Staff Application

Thank you for your interest in serving with Training Leaders International. This application is for US Staff applicants.

You can save this form online as a draft and log back in at a later time to complete it before final submission. 

You will be asked about The Gospel Coalition's Confessional Statement near the end of the application. You can find the statement here.

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* : required
What position are you applying for?

Personal Information

Full Legal Name

Preferred Name:
Date of Birth:*Preferred phone number:*
Email Address:*Confirm Email Address:*
Address Line 1:*Address Line 2:
City:*State:*Zip Code:*
Please list any relevant education or professional training not listed on your resume or CV.:*

Church Information

Name of present church membership or attendance:*Denominational affiliation of church:*
Name of pastor:*Phone number of pastor:
Email of pastor:Church website:
When did you begin attending this church? (MM/YYYY):*
What is your relationship to this church?*
If you are a non-member, please explain why you have not yet pursued membership.:
If you have been attending for less than a year, please provide contact info for your previous pastor.:
Are you licensed or ordained? If so when and by whom?

Conversion, Doctrine and Call to Ministry

Please describe your conversion:*
To what kind of ministry do you believe God is calling you?*
Describe your past and current ministry experiences (both volunteer and, if applicable, paid).:*
Why are you interested in serving with us?*
What other life experiences do you think might contribute to you serving in this role with excellence? Please think broadly. Almost nothing is irrelevant.:
Have you ever applied to serve with another mission organization? If yes, please explain.:*
What is your perspective on fundraising?*
Are you in debt? If so, is it significant enough amount for concern at this time?*
Are you in whole-hearted agreement with the Apostle's and Nicene Creeds and the Definition of Chalcedon?*
If you have not carefully read The Gospel Coalition's Confessional Statement in the last two months, please do so (linked above). Then check the box below.:*
It is normal to have some exceptions to a lengthy doctrinal statement, and having them does not necessarily disqualify you from serving with TLI. Please list any exceptions you have to The Gospel Coalition's Doctrinal Statement so we can discuss them in the interview.:



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