The Process: Global Partner

Steps to be sent as a Global Partner with TLI Canada:

  1. You must be a member of a local church that is working with you to commission and send you. Talk to your pastor.
  2. Check out TLI Canada's opportunities. Contact us to ask any questions you might have.
  3. Fill out our initial application.
  4. Interview with TLI Canada.
  5. If the first interview goes well, we will schedule a second interview, primarily theological in nature.
  6. If the second interview goes well, you will follow out a second application with your spouse.
  7. Go on a short-term trip with TLI Canada.
  8. Be approved by TLI Canada and your sending agency.
  9. Start raising support and attend any cross-cultural training we may require.
  10. Be commissioned by your church and go.

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